3 Benefits of Using Telehealth Video Therapy

With increasing concerns surrounding the outbreak, Telehealth has become an essential part of ensuring the safety and wellbeing of you and your therapist. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are encouraging healthcare providers to make the switch to using technology-based tools as more cases of the virus emerge in our North Texas community. We wanted to take a moment to talk about the benefits and dispel any myths that may exist about Telehealth services.


Telehealth video sessions allow continued access to mental health care and may dramatically reduce your risk of contracting coronavirus. Recently, we’ve experienced first-hand the fear and anxiety amid this uncertain situation. Maybe you’ve felt something similar as well. Many individuals are taking on new roles as stay-at-home parents or home school teachers, while also managing to work from home. Managing stress by engaging in ongoing counseling provides support and an outlet to express yourself openly without judgment.


Telehealth is an option to prevent a lapse in your care if you’re already engaged in counseling. Anyone with preexisting mental health conditions should continue with their treatment and be aware of new or worsening symptoms. First responders, including all healthcare workers who are unable to work from home, may need assistance processing secondary stress due to chronic exposure. Children and teens may react in response to their observations of the adults around them. Calm and confident behaviors from parents and caregivers are reassuring for children. If your child is already engaged in treatment, you can begin meeting with their therapist via Telehealth and learn additional ways to support them.


Telehealth may feel intimidating but is surprisingly easy to use. We use a HIPAA compliant telehealth system already integrated into our electronic record management program. Before your appointment, our scheduling team will provide you with a link to join the virtual “room” at your scheduled session time. Once you have both joined, you must select the option to share your video and audio, and that’s it! There is no subscription or software download required, which makes Telehealth sessions very convenient. If anything about the process feels uncomfortable or awkward, we invite you to talk with your therapist. We’re glad to find a solution that works for you.